KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov's warning to America - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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@One Degree, that's about the USSR using what happened in the USA in its propaganda, to its own citizens and around the world. eg

The point then, as it was in 2016, was to discredit the American system, to keep the Soviets (and, later, Russians) loyal to their own system instead of hungering for Western-style democracy. But it was also used in Soviet propaganda around the world for a similar purpose. “This is a principal Soviet propaganda theme,” says Dudziak of the Soviet messaging at the time. “What’s described as communist propaganda that circulated in India overplays the story sometimes but also very maudlin stories about things that actually happened. Sometimes, in Pravda, all they needed to do was to reprint something that appeared in Time Magazine. Just the facts would themselves inflame international opinion. On top of that, the Soviets would push the envelope.”

At no point does it talk about the KGB infiltrating the civil rights movement, or altering American culture. Come on, provide some evidence for what you have been talking about, not for other things.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:@One Degree, that's about the USSR using what happened in the USA in its propaganda, to its own citizens and around the world. eg

At no point does it talk about the KGB infiltrating the civil rights movement, or altering American culture. Come on, provide some evidence for what you have been talking about, not for other things.

Which is exactly what I said. I said they utilized civil rights for their own uses. You now seem to be pretending since it did not specifically say KGB, they were not involved. What is it you don’t understand about clandestine operations. All the evidence points to their infiltration. It was common practice. It would be totally incompetent not to infiltrate US Organizations sharing your Socialist views. Etc.
Why did you not answer my question? Why is this important to you?
This is what you said to me:
"to dismiss the success of the KGB in changing the US is as absurd as dismissing the US success in instilling democratic and capitalists principles in Russia"
that there has been a "universal rise of Socialism"
"The rise of labor unions and civil rights were backed by the Soviet Union to destabilize the US and instill Socialist ideology."
"The Democratic Platform promotes Socialism."

So, no, that is not "exactly what you said". The Atlantic article does nothing at all to back up your fantastical claims of the KGB changing the USA. It says nothing about infiltration. It says that the USSR pointed to the USA's civil rights deficiencies when trying to persuade other countries that the USSR was better than the USA.

Why is this important? Because when you say that labour unions and civil rights destabilize the USA, you attack the fundamental rights of people. When you say the Democratic platform promotes socialism, you misrepresent basic politics. While the malicious rubbish you write might be acceptable in the Conspiracy Theories forum, it should be countered when seen in a serious forum.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:This is what you said to me:
"to dismiss the success of the KGB in changing the US is as absurd as dismissing the US success in instilling democratic and capitalists principles in Russia"
that there has been a "universal rise of Socialism"
"The rise of labor unions and civil rights were backed by the Soviet Union to destabilize the US and instill Socialist ideology."
"The Democratic Platform promotes Socialism."

So, no, that is not "exactly what you said". The Atlantic article does nothing at all to back up your fantastical claims of the KGB changing the USA. It says nothing about infiltration. It says that the USSR pointed to the USA's civil rights deficiencies when trying to persuade other countries that the USSR was better than the USA.

Why is this important? Because when you say that labour unions and civil rights destabilize the USA, you attack the fundamental rights of people. When you say the Democratic platform promotes socialism, you misrepresent basic politics. While the malicious rubbish you write might be acceptable in the Conspiracy Theories forum, it should be countered when seen in a serious forum.

You keep inserting ‘judgement’ as a means of omitting reality. They did indeed destabilize the US. That was their purpose. They wanted change. Whether or not you or I think that was good is irrelevant. The article clearly points out the USSR’s deliberate and clandestine attempts to influence other countries to Socialism.
Destabilizing increased rights, it did not deny them. I lived the period. It was Socialist backed. The SDS were the main activists. They originated as a Socialist organization. The Black activists attempted to displace them because whites should not lead civil rights. It was a failure and they had to admit they needed the white socialist leadership. None of this is new to those who lived it, and none of it passes judgement. It was what it was and we are more socialist because of it.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:I suggest you collect your posts together, and publish them as an 'alternate history' novel, since they are untethered from reality. You still don't understand what 'evidence' is. It's not your feelings.

First person witness is evidence. I was there. I don’t need someone else to tell me what happened.
I have also provided the reasoning behind my conclusions. Reasoning is evidence.
I randomly selected ‘evidence from a source’ which you rejected as I predicted you would.
You are currently sea lioning.
It is interesting that Yuri Bezmenov made this interview in 1984 just a year before Gorbachev becomes General Secretary of the Politburo. By 1991 the USSR is fully dissolved while of course the US stands to this day. Whatever the KGB was attempting to do to the US and other countries it was a broad failure. All that is left of their subversion are the headless remnants like the Japanese soldiers stranded on tiny pacific islands still fighting a war that ended decades ago. Within another generation there should be nothing left of them. The USSR might have been trying to give the US cultural AIDS but in the end the US just caught a mild cold while the USSR died of its own cancer.
One Degree wrote:First person witness is evidence. I was there.

OMG! One Degree is a KGB agent! This explains so much. :excited:

The article you linked to was about the USSR openly talking about the USA and saying "we think we're better". That is not, in any form, KGB clandestine work in the USA that influenced American society.

You are talking a load of shite.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:OMG! One Degree is a KGB agent! This explains so much. :excited:

The article you linked to was about the USSR openly talking about the USA and saying "we think we're better". That is not, in any form, KGB clandestine work in the USA that influenced American society.

You are talking a load of shite.

I choose not to comment on any relationship I may or may not have had with the KGB. :)
Russian Official: Obama is a Communist KGB Agent

Allegedly Obama was groomed for the presidency by the KGB. Hillary Clinton was supposed to succeed him but instead out of nowhere we get Trump.. The anti-Trump hysteria makes no sense on the surface, but if you consider that he represents a fatal unplanned interruption to a process intended subvert the US it makes complete sense. Obama was peak communism for the US and that isn't nearly far enough for the remnants, Trump is the beginning of the end for them.
Last edited by SolarCross on 04 Jul 2018 10:41, edited 1 time in total.
Prosthetic Conscience wrote:OMG! One Degree is a KGB agent! This explains so much. :excited:

On the bright side: If @One Degree is the best they've got? - No worries.

On the other hand I am concerned about the outcome of this Trump / Putin summit. ? ? ? Suppose Russia abandons Syria in exchange for the removal of sanctions ? Big game changer I think, and of course Trump will claim everybody wins (except Assad) due to his "Diplomatic Genius."

Zam :smokin:
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