US tells North Korea to cease 'destabilizing actions and rhetoric' - Politics | PoFo

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With tensions rising between the US and North Korea, the Pentagon on Sunday called for the isolated communist nation to avoid destabilizing the situation further.

"We call on (North Korea) to refrain from provocative, destabilizing actions and rhetoric, and to make the strategic choice to fulfill its international obligations and commitments and return to serious talks," Pentagon spokesman Gary Ross said. "North Korea's unlawful weapons programs represent a clear, grave threat to US national security."

The Korea Stock Exchange (KOSPI) has actually gone up this past month. The folks on Wall Street and the international stock markets know more than anyone on this forum or in the entire media combined. So they are not at all anticipating war of any sort.

Watch the KOSPI and forget the blabber from the media. If the KOSPI starts to tank badly, then there is bad trouble brewing in Korea.

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