On the nature of Johns and Prostitution - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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This is a long article, but appears to be quite accurate as far as prostitution is concerned, especially if this testimony is cross-compared with the testimonies on these forums, so I post it for the criticism of everyone. What's profoundly interesting is how much this conforms with a feminist reading I recently encountered; namely, Dr. Diana Russell on Porn wherein Dr. Diana Russell defined pornography as "material that combines sex and/or the exposure of genitals with abuse or degradation in a manner that appears to endorse, condone, or encourage such behavior." With this definition and the following testimony, I speculated on the nature of prostitution and the position of the johns, and, given how this 'whore' explained how men would try to abuse them or degrade them, it became clear to me that the john is a person who can not abuse or degrade women in his personal life but wants to so he pays for services for as much [this is a comprehensive replacement of the idea that losers or 'normal' men pay for sex--also, this notably excludes erotica which is also defined by Dr. Russell and is further espoused by she and I: "Erotica refers to sexually suggestive or arousing material that is free of sexism, racism, and homophobia, and respectful of all human beings and animals portrayed."] In this light, I can not see how prostitution is a necessary service, especially since people on pofo and this prostitute have admitted that cocaine is regularly used in prostituion and the investments for prostitution, like alterations in the body, are costly and unappealing without the realm of prostitution. Furthermore, most prostitutes, supposedly, do not last as long in the occupation as would reasonably support the idea of women empowerment or the idea that women 'choosing to become prostitutes are making an educated choice.' That concludes my lessons and what I'd wish for others to gain from this. Now, read the below testimony and discuss my conclusions.



Ok, let's cut the shit here. Working in the "sex industry" fucking blows. Suicide Girls get to have hairy armpits, and it's fun to put your picture up on onlyundiesclub.com, but that's playacting. Real sex work is about showing up at a millionaire crackhead's house with a big box of Wet Ones, letting him bang the shit out of you for three days (even though he pulled a gun on you for sitting on the left-hand side of his bed), and then leaving with $1,900. No matter what the empowered academics in San Francisco pretend to believe, whoring—in any form—is hell, and the only reason women do it is to get money for coke NOW! If you want to try it out, be prepared to have nothing to show for years of suffering but a blown-out septum and some lumpy fake tits. It's like extreme waitressing. You make hundreds of dollars a night licking ass and then you immediately spend it on drugs just to feel normal again.

If you're really, truly still interested, please at least do us a kindness and read this A–Z before your first day on the job.

A few years ago it might have been acceptable to be a whore who "doesn't do anal." Now you'd be lucky to get out of there without him making you cry on demand, gag on his dick to the point of puking, and THEN have anal sex while two dildos are simultaneously jammed into your pussy. I don't know why things have gotten so raunchy. Maybe guys have been corrupted by the internet and endless mpegs of Cambodian babies getting fucked by dogs. Point is, their idea of humiliating a woman (what sex work is all about) has been ramped up quite a bit, so don't think you're going to get away with smoking a cigarette in high heels while he takes pictures. The prices seem to have gone down too, but it's so hard to say in this business. The cheapest price I've ever heard a girl charging was simply "a place to stay," and the most I've ever heard a girl getting is $10,000 from a Japanese businessman who would fly her to Tokyo for one night. You'll probably make $100.

Bachelor parties are the cash cow of whoring, but they're fucking scary. Men have a tendency to try to outdo each other, so if you start the night with a blowjob and cum in your eye, your last trip to the hotel bathroom will involve something along the lines of getting fucked in the ass sans lube while the guy pours shampoo in your eyes. It's worth it, though, because they usually only last for one to five hours and you can make $6,000 pure profit.

Coke is what this whole industry is about. The majority of the clients are doing it in some capacity, and so are all the hos. Really high cokeheads are simultaneously the best and the worst johns you can have. The good part is the money, because they want you to stay over for a long time, but the bad part is the paranoia and the limp dick and how those two interact.

You have to make sure you look him in the eyes when you walk in and don't act too sketchy, because cokeheads are convinced everyone is trying to rip them off and if you contribute to that theory in even the slightest way, he's going to go nuts. When you finally convince him you're there to work and nothing else, he'll pull out his soft dick and get even more mad. Then he doesn't want to wear a condom for the blowjob because that's only going to make things worse. It sucks.

BTW, if the guy is giving you a hassle about having to use a condom for a blowjob, there's a way you can put it on his dick without him knowing. It takes some practice, but you start with it in your mouth and then kind of roll it on his penis as your head goes down. When you're done you can just leave it on him so he can see what an asshole he is.

Strippers and prostitutes (and fags, for some reason) all know this secret way to prevent ingrown hairs after you shave your swimsuit area. It's simple and cheap and it never fails. Put deodorant on it. I think there's something about the alcohol in the deodorant that opens the pores wide enough that the hairs can't ingrow. It's the same principle behind that really expensive Tend Skin shit, but deodorant works about 80 times better.

You'll notice whores who work with an agency are a lot more patient than streetwalkers. Escorts are there for the full hour whether you get a boner or not. Streetwalkers, on the other hand, have a real live pimp, and he wants his money 15 minutes ago. If a john doesn't get it up with a streetwalker right away, he's dead.

Second-wave feminists like Andrea Dworkin and Catherine MacKinnon made up this cruel stereotype that everyone in the sex industry got fucked by their dad. What do they know about it? Shit, that's not fair. I mean, I got fucked by my dad, and every single woman I've met in the industry (stripping, prostitution, internet, phone sex…everything) got fucked by her dad, but…oh shit, wait. It is true. I guess that's why we can lie underneath someone who has no business being on top of us and not give a shit. Statistics on incest are hard to gauge, but when you look at the number of women in the industry today and consider the fact that they ALL got fucked by their dad, it kind of makes your stomach turn.

PS: If your dad never fucked you and you're not a lesbian, quit now. Otherwise you will hate all men forever.

Whores never get asked to do gang bangs because most guys think it's too faggy. The only place you will ever see gang bangs is in porn. I don't know much about it because I'm a whore and we don't watch porn. It's like you watching a movie about sitting at your desk.

You know you're in it for the long haul when you hate your coworkers. In this business EVERYONE hates everyone else. I'm here to make money, and anyone who is prettier than me (or cheaper) is the competition. I've even had nights at strip clubs where some black bitch was all up in my face saying, "If you get one more dance tonight I'm going to kick your ass." That happens all the time, and you have to sit there and try to decide, "Do I go home now and know I won't get into a fight, or do I risk getting my ass kicked and make some more money?"

Internet porn is the most tolerable type of sex work. If you can use a computer, you're in. Amateur websites with girls-next-door working out of their bedrooms still make millions, and even the chubby girl with the lazy eye is taking home $1,000 a month (though it's not worth it if you're making less than $4,000 a month). Most internet places have about 3,000 people working 24 hours a day, each charging about $3.50 a minute. That's over $15 million a day. And thus we come to the essential paradox of porn. It fucking sucks. It's depressing. It makes you hate men. But the money. Fuck.

To get started, all you need is a computer, a relatively fast connection, a webcam, and maybe a Hello Kitty pillow. Then you just click the "Become a chat host" button on your favorite porn site. After confirming your age they'll send you the software, and then whenever you feel like going online, horny guys will send you money. The good thing about working on the internet is, there are strict censorship rules on amateur sites that ban hardcore pornography, so you can say no to drinking pee and fisting and still not get fired. Don't get me wrong, you still get humiliated and bossed around, but it's easier on your knees and you can be fat. The internet is where old hos go to die.

Massage parlors will tell you in your interview that you don't have to do anything you don't want to and you can just jerk them off with a glove if you're grossed out. What they don't mention is, that means you'll go home penniless. The money you make is all about what you can negotiate for yourself after the massage. First, dude pays the agency around 40 dollars for the massage, which lasts 30 minutes to an hour. Then, after he's all "comfers cozers," you become a free agent and get to make your own money negotiating handjob and blowjob prices. The wage will be the average between how desperate you both are. Most places have a 3-2-1 plan, which means $300 for a fuck, $200 for a blowjob, and $100 for a handjob, but those prices all go down the tubes when some dumb cunt does anal for $80.

The thing about whoring is, after being humiliated and spat on (literally) for an hour, you inevitably feel like you want to get back at the guy. That's why we steal. It's usually just frivolous shit like a size-12 sneaker or a little Buddha thing from the bathroom, but occasionally you'll get a really tenacious whore who will watch him use the ATM, memorize his PIN, steal his card when he's passed out or taking a piss, and eventually get away with thousands of dollars.

If you're a whore in 2004 you have two categories of food in your fridge: nonfood and cry-for-help food. The first category is things like protein bars and celery with a Crystal Lite chaser: just enough food to kill the hunger pains but not enough to add any calories. Category two is about secretly trying to get fat and sabotage your career. Every few days a ho will break out of category one and make a jar of mayonnaise or an entire tub of ice cream disappear in seconds. Then it's back to energy drinks. The only consistent thing about what we eat is we all LOVE drinking pink cider. I don't know why.

Even though it meant having your nipples removed and placed next to you in a bowl of ice for a few hours, getting fake tits used to be a great way to make more money. Then, around two years ago, they became uncool, even with perverts. Now you can actually lose clients by having fake tits. I'm getting mine taken out because when you go out with nice civilian boys they are totally freaked out by them, and even if they look great, you have to replace them every five fucking years.

Agencies love anyone that looks remotely exotic because they can advertise you as the latest fetishized race, which changes about every four months. If you have dark hair and something minimally unusual about your face, you will make more money for everyone. If Mongolians are the hot new thing, you're Mongolian. If you have even a hint of Native in you, you're totally set because you can be advertised as anything from half-Asian to Fijian royalty.

Whores cum on the job about once a career. Sorry, but if a clit gets pounded seriously and systematically enough, it may just send an orgasm to the brain. Also, about 25 percent of your clients are going to want to eat you out (I know, it's weird), and that can be a nice break that may lead to the dreaded "ho-gasm." The time it happened to me, the guy was so gross and I was so disgusted with the whole thing that I ended up cumming just out of how uncumworthy the whole thing was. You know?

A lot of single mothers do this as an easy way to make money. They think it won't make them feel repulsed, but that's bullshit. Like all whoring, phone sex makes you hate yourself and it puts you in a bad mood for about four hours after your last call. Plus, you'll be lucky to take home $300 a week.

The average sex worker's career is six months. If you work for an agency or (ugh) a real pimp, they will try everything from relentless nagging to kidnapping you with a bag over your head to keep you from quitting. Women aren't that great at saying no to begin with, and when you add getting fucked by your dad to the equation, cutting the cord ends up taking quite a few tries.

These are great. If the guy sends you back you make $40 without doing anything. All you have to do is pay the driver $10 to enforce the $50 minimum, and that's it. You're back in the car with your money and you didn't even take your jacket off.

Sorry hipsters, but this is not porn. It's not even sex work. It's more like a pretend tea party with your stuffed animals. I applied to it when it first came out and they actually expected me to do shit like explain why I'd be a good Suicide Girl. Excuse me? That's the first time a pimp ever wanted to see a résumé. The reason these girls can wax poetic about how it's the new porn and talk about empowerment is simple: They are not in the porn industry. Porn is about subordinating yourself for money. If it feels good, you're not doing it right.

You know you are doing real sex work when you can shut the fuck up. Bragging rights don't really exist unless you are looking for people to make a basset hound face at you and start crying. NEVER tell a civilian man you're trying to have sex with that you have ever taken money for sex. At first he will think it's kind of cool that he can have sex with a pro for free, but then he'll expect you to be Lil' Kim all the time and get all jock on you by telling you to "break out the toys!" when all you wanted was your sad neglected pussy to be licked in silence for three to seven minutes. Or he will freak out and think his friend paid you to have sex with him on his birthday and then throw a beer through your bedroom window. He will never marry you. Read The Rules to the Ring.

The second you get to the guy's house or hotel, it's a good rule of thumb to (after asking permission) get right down to just a thong. I do this right away because if you wait until he asks you, he might fuck you over by telling the agency that he's not going to pay because you kept your J. Lo tracksuit on for the first hour and smoked menthols while nursing a cider and didn't even look at his dick.

Every other kind of sex work is about drawing it out as long as possible. Especially the internet. The guy's credit card is being charged by the minute and he's in New Jersey, so keep milking him. What's he going to do, fax you a punch in the head?

Seventy-five percent of whoring is making small talk. Strippers and whores are really there because the guy is lonely and wants someone to complain to. I have a good system of smiling, nodding a lot, making eye contact, laughing, and speaking only to agree or say something charming after every five points he has made. After whoring for six months you will find you are better at guessing the answers on Jeopardy! and doing crossword puzzles because you have had to listen to hours and hours of men jerking their mouths off telling you pointless little facts to make them feel smarter. Just pretend you have been picked up hitchhiking and you have to stay awake and talk to the guy or he'll fall asleep driving and kill you both.

A Ho Bag is a wee sports purse you take with you on calls. Inside it you have: condoms (the free ones from the needle exchange), baby powder (helps putting on condoms), a driver price list (so you know what to pay him for what parts of the city), Band-Aids, Listerine (if you dare give a BJ unwrapped), Saran Wrap (so you don't get herpes when he eats you out), and the most important thing in the world: a pack of Wet Ones. If you don't carry Wet Ones with you at all times, you are not a whore in 2004. They make eating ass palatable, they help rid you of the "grossies" after a bad session, and they get jizz off your face in a way that makes it feel like it was never there.

(Vice helped me with this one.) The MPAA instituted their ratings system in 1968, and X was the one that meant "no kids can come in here, no way, we don't care if your parents are with you." It was used for legit films like Midnight Cowboy (the first X-rated movie). Then porno makers, in a clever little marketing move, started using the made-up rating XXX (which was supposed to mean "so fucking dirty your eyes will burn," even though back then all you really saw was two hairy crotches mushing up against each other). Now in 2004, you have Max Hardcore fucking girls in the ass as they puke on each other with weird dental shit holding their mouths open, so the whole X thing has sort of gone out the window. That's why they made up NC-17 instead of X for "real" movies. NCCC-1777 isn't quite as catchy as XXX.

The younger you are, the better. You're stupider, you're easier to manipulate, and you have a tighter pussy, which means less ass fucking. I say fuck getting a tit job. Splurge for pussy-rejuvenation surgery and change that thing from a wet paper bag into a McDonald's straw.

Falling asleep. This skill, otherwise known as disassociation, comes in handy. It usually sets in around hour three of sucking a rich cokehead's limp cock. The old daddy-fucked-me thing means most whores are old friends with disassociation. You can get a lot done while you're disassociating, like thinking about that girl you knew in third grade and trying to remember her name, or deciding which movies you're going to put in your queue on Netflix.

Sometimes you can go so far with it that you actually fall asleep, and if that happens, you're fucked in every sense of the word. You're either going to get raped without a condom or have your face punched in. The only hos I know who survived falling asleep were the ones who were with those weirdo subservient guys who want you to laugh at their small dick and then let them eat you out for half an hour. Those guys are fucking disgusting and depressing and they are about as good as whoring gets. Got it?


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By Donna
Is this all reformed whores have to offer to academia?
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By Potemkin
Reading that made me hard. I'm going to jerk off to some internet porn now. :evil:
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By froggo
Zyx not all prostitues get degraded.
When I sold my body for money a few years ago in Vancouver there were many John's who were just quiet albeit slightly unattractive individuals who actually preferred being kissed and held as opposed to "degrading sex."
When a john attempted to degrade me I ceased the session. And this happened rarely.

Many of the female prostitutes i eventually met actually felt empowered by providing pleasure to their clients, and making a living doing it. Yes there is the odd psychotic john out there that gets his rocks off abusing women but most Johns are simply men with repressed sexualities or low self-esteem that just want to experience a physical connection with another person.
By Zyx
Donald wrote:Is this all reformed whores have to offer to academia?

Not necessarily "all," but this is a very valuable confession. You see, academia requires 'evidence' and composes the testing and development of theories. What academia needs in order to create theories on prostitution or johns is to hear testimonies of or, personally, subject itself to these institutions. DuBois and others have submerged themselves into communities to learn these stuff, and have come out with theories that span as far as race and maids, but given the nature/reception of prostitution, it'd be rather twisted for a PhD. person to subject herself to male abuses (as she assumes) to make a point. Hence, the reformed whore plays a particular importance for the purposes of understanding the world more closely.

If you interpret the testimonies of this whore differently, then enlighten me on your methodology.

Potemkin wrote:Reading that made me hard. I'm going to jerk off to some internet porn now. :evil:

Well, that's good. You may get to look at that girl who inexplicably disappeared from your high school.

froggo wrote:Zyx not all prostitues get degraded.

This depends on how one defines 'degraded' and what one means about 'all.' Do you mean that it is likely that one who works as a prostitute for a lifetime will not be abused, or do you mean that not every time one engages in prostitution, one will be abused? I agree that the latter is true, but I can not vouch for the accuracy of the former: especially not when the prostitute working is on the lower-en of things.

Would you mind explaining your comment here?

Ibid. wrote:When I sold my body for money a few years ago in Vancouver there were many John's who were just quiet albeit slightly unattractive individuals who actually preferred being kissed and held as opposed to "degrading sex."

For how long did you work and what sort of prices did you have? If we are going to use you as an example, we should at least understand what sort of an example we are dealing with.

Ibid. wrote:When a john attempted to degrade me I ceased the session. And this happened rarely.

As I understand it, you are a male. The rules may apply differently.

All the same, I get the impression that 'degradation' is subjectively being used here as opposed to objectively, so that you do not always consider someone spitting on your face as degrading to you. Is this impression correct? Would you mind explaining what this statement is supposed to mean?

Ibid. wrote:
Many of the female prostitutes i eventually met actually felt empowered by providing pleasure to their clients, and making a living doing it.

Have any mentioned a history of sexual abuse? If you still have contact with these women, can you ask them if their histories are abusive? If they were abused, would not their 'empowered' phrase be a comment relative to a history of abuse as opposed to a history of what is assumed normal, and in that case, can it be said that they are empowered in normal terms?

Ibid. wrote:Yes there is the odd psychotic john out there that gets his rocks off abusing women but most Johns are simply men with repressed sexualities or low self-esteem that just want to experience a physical connection with another person.

The challenge, froggo, is to explain the married man who hires a prostitute or men who pay large prices for severe, unlubricated anal sex with a woman. What is their repressed sexualities or their low-self esteems in this circumstance?
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By froggo
It is likely that most people will experience some form of abuse in their life. People abuse people but your entire article is completley unrepresentative of the majority of Johns. Johns, contrary to popular belief, are not sick perverse twisted men. They are simply men who either feel as if they could never be with a woman out of being themselves, or they are men who would like to further explore their sexual range. Now as you want to focus on violent sexual intercourse i will tell you that there are plenty of women who enjoy submission, as there are men who enjoy it as well, Likewise there are men who enjoy domination, and females as well. For you to say that rough sex or S&M is an unhealthy result of prior physical abuse is offensive, for you have no right to tell people what sexually turns them on.

Yes there ARE a few people out there who will rape and molest and have unprotected sex with women.
This is a Rather rare occurance in the sex trade. Many prostitutes know each other and support each other, they watch out for each other and share the same facilities and resources. Prostitutes have condoms and lube on them the majority of the time, and they know to refuse sex if unprotected. Prostitues who are desperate and addicts may not use their rationality when making these choices, but this is rare.

Prostitutes warn each other of John's who have displayed signs of violence, and they will also provide each other with condoms if one runs out.

I'm not saying that These violent acts don't occur, I'm simply saying your little write-up is unfair and unaccurate, and I'm saying this as a former prostitute and a former Councillor for Sex Workers (Both genders) of Vancouvers Downtown Eastside(One of the worst drug areas of Canada). I think I would understand the mentality a little better than you Kumatto

Many prostitutes enjoy spending time with their Johns, they sympathize with them and they develop long-term connections with the same Johns.

The sex trade has never been about Taking advantage of the weak. It is something that I believe someone should have the right to do. If you can have sex for free, why can't you charge for it? I think we should encourage protected sex though.

I would not be surprised if you're more likely being abused violently by sleeping with some random at the bar than by selling yourself to the same clients over and over.

Please...if you're going to judge a culture...be accurate about it.
By Zyx
froggo, I do not mean to sound more wise or more accurate than others. I simply made a reading, made some inductions and asked for comments on as much. Do not get the impression that I am sitting on one side of a debate and making a point for my own purposes; rather, believe that I want to learn of this and I will value more of your testimony if you'll be more specific and work with me. I admit to having prejudices against prostitution, mostly for the lack of skill and education required, which opens the door to trafficking and limited education among other things, but this is a prejudice that I'd happily do away with given the arguments for as much. I agree that one can have sex and I agree that laws against prostitution disagreeable since they are laws against female (or prole) entrepreneurship--as a professor told me, she can go outside and hold a sign reading "free sex" but if she tags on "sex for five cents" she'll be arrested for prostitution. With this in mind, however, understand that I try hard to be an independent thinker and I want to understand this so that I can inquire more deeply into the nature of this occupation and see whether it can fit into a grander scheme of human equality and so forth. My aspirations is not to denounce, but to learn and become enlightened. Thank you for dealing with me, now to 'discuss' (not debate.)

froggo wrote:Johns, contrary to popular belief, are not sick perverse twisted men. They are simply men who either feel as if they could never be with a woman out of being themselves, or they are men who would like to further explore their sexual range.

I stated clearly that my contentions were based on Dr. Diana Russel and her definition of pornography. She makes the argument that pornography promotes rape and, as I understand it, sexual education for men is oftentimes primarily fueled by pornography. That said, I believe that your comments on Johns neglects the influences of pornography. Not to say that they are sick and twisted men, but just that, naturally, they view pornography as something that they'd want to attain and hence their commitment to prostitutes. Is this a disagreeable statement? Do you think that pornographic fantasies and prostitution are rare integrated?

Ibid. wrote:For you to say that rough sex or S&M is an unhealthy result of prior physical abuse is offensive, for you have no right to tell people what sexually turns them on.

I did not denounce rough sex or S&M here. Please do not strawman me, froggo. I am not a moralist or anything of the sort. My intention here is to find out the truth, I am not trying to offend or be offended.

Ibid. wrote:Prostitutes warn each other of John's who have displayed signs of violence, and they will also provide each other with condoms if one runs out.

This is good to know. I wanted to know of the nature of Johns. What pushes them? Would you say pornography?

Ibid. wrote:Many prostitutes enjoy spending time with their Johns, they sympathize with them and they develop long-term connections with the same Johns.

Under what pretexts do they bond, though? Humans sort of naturally bond and it is not awkward for humans in long-term connections, who interact often, to become attached, so to speak. The question is, however, whether paying for sex is what facilitates this bond, sex or just 'humanity's social nature.'

If it's the last, then it's almost useless to say this. I could not expect a prostitute to dislike a long-term John if he were a decent lad. Maybe you are suggesting that Johns are all decent lads, but it's sort of hard to suggest that this is proof. I knew a sixteen-old-girl who had a child with a 20-year-old man and he would come home and beat her but have decent sex with her. She loved him wholly and wanted to marry him. She hated the arguments and the beatings and her situation may have been worse than some prostitutes, but the moral is that people can like people despite abuses. What needs to be done is that we need to lift up the veil and see what is being covered.

Ibid. wrote:Please...if you're going to judge a culture...be accurate about it.

Ayi. I never did any judging, though. I interpreted a text to the best of my ability. I would not mind if you did the 'quote' function for my OP so to point out where I particularly went wrong to you.
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By froggo
My apologies, kumatto you're right, I do need to edit my previous post...
I was in the middle of thinking what to write when I realized I was done work in 3 minutes so I blurted out random strawmen thoughts...Here I'll be a bit more accurate.

I think I started ranting because the title of "On the nature of Johns and Prostitution" followed by an obviously biased opinion by a sex worker who despised the experience didn't seem like an accurate representation of the Sex Trade in my eyes.

She makes the argument that pornography promotes rape and, as I understand it, sexual education for men is oftentimes primarily fueled by pornography.

I disagree that pornography promotes rape. There is frequently two lusty adults pleasing each other, although the dominant role of the male and the submissive role of the female is often exaggerated. I do not see how this equates to a man forcing a woman to have sex with him against her will.

Also, men learn about sex through experience I think more than anything. The first time a man is aware of sexual satisfaction is when he rubs himself innocently and experiences a rush of excitement. He then goes on to find what allows him to obtain these moments of wanting to rub himself and associates it with a body. It can be worrisome when a man associates pornography, with it's over-emphasis of roles in sexual intercourse, as a realistic relationship. But not all men succumb to this fantastical notion of sexuality depicted through pornography, however, I still think this has little relevance to men who feel it is okay to rape women, as pornography, like I said, is often between consentual adults.

I wanted to know of the nature of Johns. What pushes them?

John's are individuals with individual motives that drive them to do what they do. There are a variety of reasons why a John would want to Pay for sex. Sometimes it is for companionship, simply to be with another(I've had John's that just really wanted to pay to have me spend time with them and talk with them, as was the case with many John's I later found out from various Sex Workers, including female ones)
Some want to experiment in the bedroom and may be too afraid to explore their sexuality with people they fear my ridicule them, people who are not open about sex.
Oftentimes Men would have sex with a woman as a means of spite against their spouse. Many female Sex Workers I spoke with often said their Clients were married and simply hated their relationship and wanted to feel empowerment by sleeping with another woman (One man said thus I was told, in reference to his wife; "Imagine how miserable that bitch will be when she finds out I'd rather pay for sex than get free sex from her.")
Some men do it because they feel they are ugly or old or unsuitable for other people, So they feel as if the only way they'd be able to share in a sexual experience would be to pay for it.
And as you suggest, Some men do it because they feel empowered by demoralizing women and beating and raping them.

I find that the last means is the least common of all of them.

Under what pretexts do they bond, though? Humans sort of naturally bond and it is not awkward for humans in long-term connections, who interact often, to become attached, so to speak. The question is, however, whether paying for sex is what facilitates this bond, sex or just 'humanity's social nature.'

The bond is developed through the connection that the Sex Worker has with the John. The Sex Worker enjoys talkign with him and being paid to partake in sexual activity with him, and the John enjoys having someone to share himself with emotionally, physically.

The thing one must remember is that Sex Workers often place a high priority on money. The relationship will often dissolve if no money is earned. It is not to say that the Sex Worker only cares for the John under the context of him providing her with money, it is more that the Sex Trade is an Industry. It is these women's jobs. If you own a restaurant you don't give free food to every regular simply because you like them.

but the moral is that people can like people despite abuses

This whole story is unrepresentative of the Sex Trade. While abuse does happen in the Sex Trade(As abuse is possible in any form of sexual culture) it is not a defining point of the Sex Trade.
Yes people can like people despite abuse, but in the Sex Trade if someone goes on what is called a "Bad Date", meaning that they were abused in some way during the transaction, than they will often let all other prostitues of the area have a description of the "Bad Date"(Which refers to a Bad date, or the John himself)
And the "Bad Date" will have a difficult time picking up a woman from that area again. I have never heard of a Sex Worker going on another Date with a John after experiencing a Bad Date with him.

Now I would like to address a keypoint in the article in which I found to be rather unfair. The writer of the article was a Woman who entered the Sex Trade as a drug addict, and presumably exited after sobering up.

While it is often true that Sex Workers enter the Sex Trade to feed an addiction, it is not always the case. I know many Sex Workers who have never touched drugs in their life.
Also Sex Workers who enter the trade and quit drugs will oftentimes continue in the Sex Trade.
I would say a rough estimate of 50% quit the trade after quitting drugs and another 50% continue in the trade, simply because they enjoy it, or they don't feel that safe sex is something to be frowned upon and they enjoy earning an income by these means.

I found that the writer of the article had a strong bias against the Sex Trade because of her narrow experience of it.
By Zyx
What about 'anal,' 'cocaine,' 'fucked by your dad,' 'quitting' or 'youth?'

Is it true that anal is a regular in the sex industry?

What about cocaine? Family sexual abuse? Quitting soon? And young women?

As for cocaine usage with prostitutes, there are several confessions on POFO suggesting as much. For instance, this is an example, among others: http://www.politicsforum.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1839073#p1839073

Now, someone being made to consume cocaine may not perceive this as abusive, but . . ..

froggo wrote:The first time a man is aware of sexual satisfaction is when he rubs himself innocently and experiences a rush of excitement.

It is well researched that the first 'sexual' experiences of men, in our society, occurs when he is twelve and watching pornography. In other cultures, like India, some men will not have sex until their mid-twenties. Here, it's something like fourteen. Do you think that pornographic consumption has nothing to do with this?

Ibid. wrote:But not all men succumb to this fantastical notion of sexuality depicted through pornography, however, I still think this has little relevance to men who feel it is okay to rape women, as pornography, like I said, is often between consentual adults.

Admittedly, I did not spend time to read her arguments, but they are available through her website if you want to learn of them. Some rapists confess that pornography was what changed their mentality for rape. As to your consensual claim, it doesn't address that the nature of the relationships in pornography are unrealistic and, at best, hard to achieve for most men. This is what makes me believe that men either demand or pay for what pornography offers as reality.

Ibid. wrote:John's are individuals with individual motives that drive them to do what they do.

Fair enough. What about the women under pimps, though? Women who are abused, enslaved and what have you: are the Johns as innocent for them, too? As I understand it, your situation was different than the lower-rung which this author likely was a part of.

Ibid. wrote:The bond is developed through the connection that the Sex Worker has with the John. The Sex Worker enjoys talkign with him and being paid to partake in sexual activity with him, and the John enjoys having someone to share himself with emotionally, physically.

Maybe there is a huge rift between the escort system and the streetwalker system.

I can't imagine someone paying 200-300 dollars an hour for a sixteen year old girl only wants to talk to her.

What are the prices for this escort thing that you refer to?

Ibid. wrote:I found that the writer of the article had a strong bias against the Sex Trade because of her narrow experience of it.

I notice that this guide may be for prostitution in the United States, which is illegal and often "associable" with a black market. Whereas your testimony can talk to the nature of Johns and can compare what legalization for prostitution can amount to, it's sort of not necessarily correct for you to refer to her experience as narrow, inaccurate or what have you.

Anyway, mind answering my initial questions? Don't bother to rush, though. I should log off for now.
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By Donna
Zyx wrote:If you interpret the testimonies of this whore differently, then enlighten me on your methodology.

I don't know why you would take this 'testimony' (more like satire) seriously. Honestly, if this was a serious attempt by a street worker to expose the degeneracy of the sex industry, then she should immediately abandon her gig as a freelance writer and get back to taking it up the ass in seedy corporate parking lots.
By Zyx
Donald, her story matches the story of POFOites: i.e. that prostitutes ingest cocaine or must interact pleasantly for pay. There is no reason to suspect that the testimony is satire and I found the testimony in a website that devoted to academics and truthfulness. In truth, I have not the insight to comment on the prostitution institution and I have not the money for the insight. This, froggo and other Pofoites, are the best that I have at learning, my main intention.
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By Donna
Zyx, the article is presenting itself as a 'guide' to being a 'whore'. This is not serious commentary. I don't think the epitome whore would even be used if it were serious.
By Zyx
Donald, that is incorrect if one applies a small amount of thought to the subject. People within a group can used derogatory terms against one another as a means of suggesting that they are within the group. Moreover, this is probably more humorous to a prostitute than one without and written in that case. That is to say, it does not necessarily need to be nonfactual because of your observations. Since it does coincide with other observations, it's best to point out what is false (if anything), as opposed to wiping the whole thing as false.
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By Donna
Maybe there's alot of truth in it, some truth in it, some half truth, a bit of truth.. it's hard to tell because it has no academic quality.

It was written for the lulz.
By Zyx
Well, I hear that comedy is oftentimes a funny manner of telling the truth. Still, I can agree with you. It'd be better to gain a testimony all my own. Unfortunately, my efforts have been in vain. One 'webcam girl' that I tried to speak with kept harassing me for my credit card number and when I lost concern for her well being and inquired on her pimp, she was removed from the net shortly afterward. Just playing, she just told me to shut up and give her my credit card number, unaffected by my attempt at jeopardizing her well being to test my theory. Heartless? In the name of science, there is no need to limit cruelty. :D
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By Donna
Well, I suppose you can always purchase the services of prostitutes, have sex with them, and then report your findings in an essay piece.
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By froggo
Zyx one time a Student that was visiting Canada from Belgium stopped by at the Centre I worked at(Which was focused on assisting Sex Workers to gain employment skills, get into detoxification centres, find housing, etc.) and asked if we would sit down with him and help him on an essay he was writing for School. None of us minded and we all had a very interesting conversation with him and thouroughly enjoyed it.

Perhaps you should find some local agencies in your area that support Sex Workers and go have a discussion with them.
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By Donna
I haven't the money.

Get someone to fund it then. It's for science, isn't it. Come on, get at it.
By Zyx
froggo, that is not a bad idea!

Donald, I may consider that as well. Maybe after I 'earn' my own woman. However, my lack of money makes that a hard affair too. :lol:

Women, amirite fellows?

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