smacking, yes or no - Politics | PoFo

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By The Dark Rower
many people believe that smacking is wrong and should not be used as a form of punishment and now the goverment is trying to change the way we punish children in sociaty.

what are your view?
By GandalfTheGrey
I believe this topic has been dealt with in a previous thread called "Physical punishment of children"
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I think little spoiled brats that dont respect their elders or parents deserves a good "smack". However, one must not over do it.
I had a step-father that used to smack me alot and it has just given me
severe anger managment problems.
By Skullers
yea... who still doesn't know:
fear = respect

By Buck Williams
I think it is a good method. Which will have more effect on a child, simply telling them what they did was wrong or pyhsically punishing them?
By Skullers
Which will have more effect on a child, simply telling them what they did was wrong or pyhsically punishing them?

the latter for sure... if you're talking about negative effects!
and why does it have to be either physical punishment or none at all?
and what good is being punished without understanding why what i did was wrong? it can make me stop doing something right here and now, out of fear... but in the long term, what? i'll just try to do it next time while making sure i won't get caught

and there's already a thread about this:
By Ásatrúar
My dad used to smack me with a twig, and know, looking back at 25, I thank him for it. It kept me from running around with the wrong crowd when I was a kid. Ofcourse, I was a smart ass, and when I got bigger I stood up to him. I punched him and then he beat me up. lol good times :D
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By Monkey Angst
Just to be clear, are we talking about hitting a kid, or giving him some smack? I certainly can't condone that. :D

Seriously, it does matter where you hit the kid. I got spanked as a kid, didn't fuck me up much. Spanking is a time-honored method of discipline.

But when it comes to hauling off and popping a kid in the face like he was some asshole talking shit in a bar, that's crossing the line.
By God is dead
I think smaking is acceptable to a degree...You can really tell nowerdays, who had strict parents. Ususally its the ones who end up in prison who were not smaked (or properly raised), whilst the ones who were have an inscribed sense of respect for thier elders. Which is what is needed now, i used to be smacked, didnt bother me though, you just need to tence your ass cheeks and you dont feel any pain!! :p
By Skullers
I got spanked as a kid, didn't fuck me up much.

"i drove while impaired, and didn't get into a fatal accident"
well, lucky sons of-, it fucked me up much
I think smaking is acceptable to a degree...You can really tell nowerdays, who had strict parents. Ususally its the ones who end up in prison who were not smaked

you going to back that up with anything?
whilst the ones who were have an inscribed sense of respect for thier elders. Which is what is needed now,

fear=respect :roll:

and please... you all sound as if it's some magical cure for everything... but how people turn out depends on a lot more than weather or not they were spanked (although the effects caused by it depend on if, or how much, when, and how it was done)

if one had lousy parents, a spanking would not cure anything, only hurt;
if one had fine parents, not getting hit does not make one a spoiled brat, not respecting, or anything;
while being completely unnecessary, violence against children can cause harmful effects in the long run;

There has been evidence used to pass laws against physical punishment in places like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Germany, Israel, and Cyprus, and they are not having any problems raising their kids whatsoever.

-Reform in other countries is widely accepted by the public and parents, and usually has broad cross- party political support.
-Reform in other countries is primarily educative rather than punitive, helping to drive forward changes in parental attitudes towards children and their discipline. It provides the backbone for public education campaigns.
-Reform encourages parents to move on to use positive, non-violent discipline and helps focus attention on the support services that parents need.
-Reform increases reporting of child abuse because people and professionals feel empowered to act, but does not lead to parents being prosecuted for minor incidents.
-Reform does not produce unruly children. In fact, research in some countries suggests that it is physical punishment which is linked to anti-social behaviour.

sweden: belief in corporal punishment even in its mildest forms as an appropriate method of discipline decreased from 53% in 1965 to 11% in 1996 (6% under 35)

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