Guns! Should They Be Outlawed Or Not? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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By sergei
"How about imposing a quite rigorous psychological test on anyone who wants to own a gun"

Well, there goes the army..... :)
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By Boondock Saint
Guns guns GUNS!


Or something like that ...

I own guns ... my brother owns guns ... between us we have enough to arm a small militia.

We have everything from little lever action .22's to AK-47's ...

My favorite is the AR-15 though, so quick and easy to reload. Much faster reload and chamber time then the AK ... though I could drop the AK in the sand and the thing would still fire ... wheras the the AR would go *clink* *clink*


Um ...

Don't take my guns away ... its all I have to keep the zombies at bay ...

Oh right ... I am against gun banning though I believe common sense gun laws should apply.

For example ...

- Registration. If we have to register our cars then why wouldnt we need to register our guns?

- Licensing and testing. One MUST be mentally competent to own a firearm ... I know crazy people with guns ... its not safe.

- No automatic weapons ... this is the law ... to some extent it sucks but I can totally see why they wouldnt want civilians to have them. Though, lets be honest here ... a real criminal who is going to bring an AK-47 on a job with them will take the ten minutes it takes to convert the semi-auto weapon to full auto ... so ... really its not like its going to stop a criminal from using them ... I mean the criminal isnt going to say 'Oh, its not legal for me to shoot the cops with a fully auto rifle ... so I will just shoot them with a semi-auto rifle' ...

- I hate the ban of european assault rifles ... I WANT A STYER AUG DAMN IT!!

- Um ...
By The One.
Some of you have mentionned Japan as a model to follow for gun banning.
Unfortunatly we have very different cultures,asians are much more respectful toward people(and japenese in particular) and toward the law.
Now i'm not saying that asians are superiors than westerners,all races are equal.What i am saying is that our culture is very different from their.Even if there was guns in japan,there would still be a very low crime rate in my opinion.If you don't believe me consider these numbers:take the number of non-guns crimes in the US or even my country Canada where guns laws are very stricts and divide it by two(japan population=half the population of the US of A) or in the case of canada leave it this way.The number will definitely be a lot higher than 22.

Also,i don't think you should ban guns.Only have stricter gun control.Have the person pass a psychology test.Make a law so you can only buy guns with a liscence.Also in the numbers,guns saves more lives than they take (in the US anyway).Many believe that guns are the most effective weapon to defend yourself and your family and i'm one of them.

And by the way i don't believe drive-bys shooting are frequent or dangerous.In facts,drive bys rarely ends up in the target's death(5 to 10%).
And beside banning guns won't help.if you ban guns only criminals have them which is a bad bad thing:(.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Anyone who believes banning guns will help the problem is living in a fantasy world. Guns are here, its too late to reverse it. Most people here are right in realizing those who want guns, will have them in any event. Your an idiot if you think you can protect yourself by having faith in the goodwill of man.[/quote]
By ZenWilsonian
I am in general, in favour of outlawing guns. The UK has much less murders than the USA. In fact the USA has more murders than any other first world country, and it has the most liberal gun laws.

However, in some communist countries guns have been allowed. But in Cuba, I believe, you can learn about guns in school, and you have to be qualified to have one. But you can have a gun. If your qualified.

I also like the idea of this comedian. There wouldn't be so many murders if you were allowed a gun but bullets cost $5000... That way you would make sure of it being used only for self defence in emergencies. Maybe in isolated cases someone says 'Hey, your gonna be dead buddy, just wait and see, I'll cut down on my living, get a second job, save some cash, start shopping at a thrift store, but after all that, your dead buddy"

A comic example, but could it work seriously? Maybe if it was implemented in Canada and Mexico also to stop cheap bullet purchases.
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By Truth-a-naut
If you don't have 'the gun' someone else will, either someone you dislike or even hate or the government.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Lets look at some statistics:
Since Florida passed the right to carry law in 1986, they years leading up to 1996 yeilded these statistics:
Homicide rate- fla: -36%, Nationwide:-.4%
firearm homicide rate- fla:-37%, nationwide: +15%
handgun homicide rate- fla: -41%, nationwide: +24%
And these statistics are concurrent with all 10 states that have enacted the right to carry law.
Since we know we cant take them all away, we can give them to everybody.
The effects of guns are always blown way out of proportion. Almost all statistics show gun violence is on the downturn. Hell, doctors kill many more people (wrongful deaths) than guns ever will. Should be outlaw doctors too? Car accidents account for tens of thousands more deaths than guns, should we outlaw them too?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Freedom wrote:Car accidents account for tens of thousands more deaths than guns, should we outlaw them too?

Firearm injuries are the second leading cause of injury death in the United States, and have killed more than 28,000 Americans every year since 1972. In three states (Alaska, Maryland and Nevada) and the District of Columbia, firearm death rates in 1998 surpassed those for motor vehicles--the number one cause of injury-related death in the United States.

-CDC/National Center for Health Statistics, 2002.

Let’s crunch your numbers JT. 10,000 x 28,000 = 28 mill. deaths by car accidents per year in the US alone. Hurrah, the US will wipe itself out in just 10 years or so. Come on, JT, we are getting tired of your ill-bred thoughts. Stop throwing numbers around when you're obviously just making them up.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Let’s crunch your numbers JT. 10,000 x 28,000 = 28 mill. deaths by car accidents per year in the US alone. Hurrah, the US will wipe itself out in just 10 years or so. Come on, JT, we are getting tired of your ill-bred thoughts. Stop throwing numbers around when you're obviously just making them up.

Your an ignorant little bastard arent you? You should re-read my post.

motor vehicles--the number one cause of injury-related death in the United States.

You've just made my point for me.
Persons Killed 41,717 (car accidents, 2000), subtract 28,000. You get almost 14,000 more deaths. Hence my earlier statement: "Car accidents account for tens of thousands more deaths than guns, should we outlaw them too?"
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Sorry JT you are right! Must be sleepy - must go to bed now! Damn, I hate it when you are right.

Well, I'm not really in concurrence with you. The US is a violent society for many reasons and loose restrictions on guns are certainly one of them.

Cars serve a real purpose. Guns are only built to kill.
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By Noumenon
I'm still on vacation right now, but I thought I'd give my 2 cents on this issue. While it is true that gun violence in America is higher than in other developed countries, the solution to that problem is not gun control. Gun control will never work because it only takes guns away from law-abiding citizens. Criminals will always find a way to get guns, and gun control leaves their victims unarmed and vulnerable. People cite Great Britain as a good example of a country where gun violence is controlled, but in fact murder rates have risen there since they introduce stricter gun control laws in 1997.
By ert
There will always be criminals and, in the US, there will be guns around for the forseeable furure.

I'm not afraid of the person with a decent job and reasonable standard of living owning a gun. I'm afraid of the desparate person for whom an armed robbery looks like the most viable money making venture. I've been robbed at gunpoint before and it's not very fun. The problems that lead to gun violence begin way before a gun enters the picture. Education, discrimination, poverty, and of course fear (see Bowling for Columbine) are at the root.

Get a population where people know their neighbors, have decent jobs, Less hard drugs and a little bit of education and we'll see alot less killing.
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By Gral. Stamelin
Have you seen the great movie "Bowling for Columbine"?
See it, and that will answer some questions....
By Freedom
Have you seen the great movie "Bowling for Columbine"?
See it, and that will answer some questions....

:lol: :lol:

Bowling For Columbine is a disgrace. And not only because i'm a Cappie-Pig Dog, because it is genuinly a crappy, poorly researched, full of lies- incoherent pile of gibberish.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
If guns are built only to kill, how come my guns (I have a number of them) have never been used to kill anyone?

Compare these two statistics, one for intentional gun deaths is from the Department of justice and the one from drunk driving deaths are from CBS news and MADD which get their statistics from the DOJ. I could not find drunk driving death statistics on the DOJ website ... 0342.shtml

These are a little old but I think it shows the trends.

I include only the Homicide and undetermined statistics because I think unintentional deaths and suicide is irrelevant. Using the logic that if it kills people ban it, it would seem to me that drunk driving is more of a killer than guns are, so which do we ban, alcohol or cars?

16,572 drunk driving deaths in 1999

11,152 homicides with firearms(with undetermined deaths added) in 1999

That is just one but most are similar, the drunk driving stats indicated an increase in 2001 but the DOJ statistics seemed to show a decline starting in '95

If someone makes mfg bullets very expensive, there are alternatives, I have tested this and it works, I don't know the exact FPS but I do know that it has a decent enough power.

I used this method on several .38 spl cartridges for a revolver (obviously) just for the hell of it to see if it works (I seriously doubt that this method would work for calibres for semi-automatics though unless you like single shot autos :lol: )

1.) Take a spent cartridge and use a dull nail to knock out old primer, remove anvil carefully and reshape the primer casing to origional shape as much as possible.

2.) Cut off several heads of strike anywhere matches with a razor, and VERY CAREFULLY make small chunks, insert small ammount into old primer casing and carefully re-insert and seat anvil into primer cup.

3.) Reseat primer into cartridge casing using a wooden dowell

4.) Carefully cut off heads off of a bunch of strike anywhere matches and powder the match composition itself (not the tips) I will not say how much to use other than it is more than your standard .38spl load since match powder is not as powerful as MFG powders.

5.) Insert .38 bullet and crimp. I used lead bullets I cast but I assume you could cut a chunk of soft lead into into the basic shape and size as neccessary.

I can't take full credit for the creativeness for this, I got to thinking after I read some chapters in a U.S. Army training manual on match guns and improvised, it has a lot of good information in it:

TM 31-210 Improvised Munitions Handbook
By smashthestate
In countries where they have banned guns, the gun-related crime has sky-rocketted.

England, for instance, saw a 300% increase in gun-related crime AFTER public gun ownership was made illegal.

The average person is responsible enough to own a gun.

The actions of a few should not strip the rights of many. If you think this way, then we would live in a society not unlike Germany during the Third Reich.

Specific to the U.S., all citizens are guaranteed the right to keep and bear arms, end of story.
By smashthestate
Supernius wrote:Compare the per capita rate of gun-related crimes with England, Scotland, and Canada, with,say, America. The statistics indicate explicitly that the stricter the laws with regards to guns, the LESS gun-related crimes.

Umm, no... ... 0113a.html,2933,59866,00.html

Most gun-related crimes are committed with unregisted, illegal weapons. Thus, the laws clearly don't mean a thing. Gun control only takes the guns away from the law-abiding citizens. Think about it.
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By Volkov
Boondock Saint wrote:Guns guns GUNS!


Or something like that ...

I own guns ... my brother owns guns ... between us we have enough to arm a small militia.

We have everything from little lever action .22's to AK-47's ...

My favorite is the AR-15 though, so quick and easy to reload. Much faster reload and chamber time then the AK ... though I could drop the AK in the sand and the thing would still fire ... wheras the the AR would go *clink* *clink*


Um ...

Don't take my guns away ... its all I have to keep the zombies at bay ...

Oh right ... I am against gun banning though I believe common sense gun laws should apply.

For example ...

- Registration. If we have to register our cars then why wouldnt we need to register our guns?

- Licensing and testing. One MUST be mentally competent to own a firearm ... I know crazy people with guns ... its not safe.

- No automatic weapons ... this is the law ... to some extent it sucks but I can totally see why they wouldnt want civilians to have them. Though, lets be honest here ... a real criminal who is going to bring an AK-47 on a job with them will take the ten minutes it takes to convert the semi-auto weapon to full auto ... so ... really its not like its going to stop a criminal from using them ... I mean the criminal isnt going to say 'Oh, its not legal for me to shoot the cops with a fully auto rifle ... so I will just shoot them with a semi-auto rifle' ...

- I hate the ban of european assault rifles ... I WANT A STYER AUG DAMN IT!!

- Um ...

Hey, how did you get a Kalashnikov AK-47, and for how much? I have heard of legal ways of getting one somehow. What would I have to do to get one, could I get one at my age (I am 18 years old), and how much would it cost me?

I believe that people should be allowed to have guns. I have even read that most guns are not used for criminal purposes. Plus, as a Marxist, I feel that guns and such should be allowed to arm the revolutionary Proletariat! :D
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By Todd D.
Guns save lives, period. You honestly think that a guy crazy enough to rob a bank or a house, but thinks twice about grabbing a gun because "it's against the law?" HELLO!?!? That's what makes them criminals! THEY BREAK THE LAW. Taking the guns out of the hands of the lawful only serve to help the lawless.

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