How often would you say men deserve to be cheated on? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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No, don't you see Frollein? He can't get laid again because he's "saving his purity".

No, it's because he's suffering from white guilt now. It's purely psychological, like erectile dysfunction.
The Immortal Goon wrote:
Oh, and I suppose you get to regulate where I put my cock because you know the, "correct forms of relationship?"

Fucking try it.

Well if the state tries it, what will you do?

If you don't believe in objective rights and wrongs that come from a higher power than mere mortals, then your rights only come from the state - so your "right" to put your cock where you want will be meaningless if the state decides to imprison you for it.

Scheherazade wrote:That's pretty self-depreciating.

It's also, actually, probably the most traditional form of Western relationship still practiced. This is not an endorsement, but you're actually probably the one actually changing the norms.
If the norms are abnormal themselves, then they need to be changed and made into normal ones as far as I'm concerned.

Scheherazade wrote:Not at all, it's just logical.

You have yet to provide any logical explanation why you should tell me what to do with my cock because you know the, "correct forms of relationship."
Why shouldn't I? Might makes right, does it not?

I could decide I wanted homosexuals thrown in jail, and you couldn't say there's anything "wrong" with it if the state agrees with me.

Nor did you even define what, "the correct form of relationship," is. Nor did you go through why your feelings provide, "the best forms of relationship."

Relationships which are aberrant according to natural and philosophical law, or which have potentially bad economic effects on others or the individuals involved should be actively discouraged.

Scheherazade wrote:The idea that "variance" can simply mean whatever one wants is anti-intellectual nonsense, regardless of individual variances, there are still universal principles upon which they are founded, and should be measured.

Please explain the "universal principles" involved in the relationships and marriage taboos of the Minangkabau, the Ancient Egyptian, the Mosuo, the Victorians, and the Aztec.

Thank you.

Plenty of universal norms and cultural universals, such as notions of responsibility in relationships, and even cultures which practiced polyamory, simply using people as sex objects, or 'hook up culture' was rightfully viewed as irresponsible.

In reality all cultures have more in common than they do differently, as all come from the same source, and all cultures are slight deviations from the universal norm which, in a perfect society, would mean everyone would conform to one single correct culture.

Some like the Aztecs who practiced human sacrifice were of course more aberrant than other cultures, which is why them being destroyed by the Conquistadors wasn't entirely a bad thing for that matter, even other native tribes feared them so much they sided with Cortes and the Spaniards.

Scheherazade wrote:People who are just scared to take a stand on anything, or may even have a guilty conscience just use this as an easy cop-out.

Most people, actually, take a stand on something they can explain—besides pontificating how their feelings are "universal principles" that should dictate "correct forms of relationship."
Unlike you, I can and will attempt to explain, rather than hide behind a weak argument from ignorance.

Plenty of fields, whether philosophical, or scientific (e.x. evo-pscyh) make good attempts at explaining human and cultural universal ism.

Scheherazade wrote:Sorry, but the truth is it's the collective business of society, at least to an extent, since individuals and what they do in their bedrooms do indirectly effect the rest of the ecosystem, then it's in the collective duty of others to insure they conform to the uninversal norms which best benefit the whole, as well as the individuals.

...Even if the state or society grands individuals the "freedom" to be wrong, they don't have the ability to just dwell in a self-referential echo chamber and "decide" what right and wrong are, it's decided for them by universal natural laws whether they choose to accept this reality or not.

Then you'd agree that we should return to a more traditional Western standard where the men have sex with prostitutes without birth control all the time

No, that's an aberrant of natural law - simply "they did it" doesn't mean it wasn't aberrant, deviants have always existed, and murder is as old as Cain.

, and the wife isn't allowed to derive pleasure from sexuality.

Sexual pleasure is perfectly fine, reducing people to sexual objects or commodity is not.

Surely not agreeing to this is destroying, "the collective business of society, at least to an extent."

No it just means the collective in question was aberrant, and needs to be rectified to conform to normality.

Normality isn't defined by the behavior of masses, but by universal principles - much like in mathematics, a line can be objectify straight (normal), or objectively crooked (abnormal), and this isn't up to individual opinion.

Your decision, presuming you don't agree with the above, to not practice traditional Western sexuality is literally destroying Western civilization.

If Western civilization deviates from natural law, as it has today, then I pray for it's destruction wholeheartedly, as well as those who call normalcy freakery, and freakery normal.

In truth anyway, West has historically been more degenerate on the whole than the East anyway. Many Westerners especially today are materialistic and anti-spiritual unlike people from the East.
Scheherazade wrote:Well if the state tries it, what will you do?

Continue to fuck the way the woman I'm with likes to be fucked.

To treat her the way she likes to be treated.

Scheherazade wrote:If you don't believe in objective rights and wrongs that come from a higher power than mere mortals, then your rights only come from the state - so your "right" to put your cock where you want will be meaningless if the state decides to imprison you for it.

Good luck finding out how adults enjoying themselves are having sex wrong.

Scheherazade wrote:If the norms are abnormal themselves, then they need to be changed and made into normal ones as far as I'm concerned.

So the norm was abnormal because you feel like it?

Should we all pass our actions by your precious feelings?

Scheherazade wrote:Why shouldn't I? Might makes right, does it not?

I could decide I wanted homosexuals thrown in jail, and you couldn't say there's anything "wrong" with it if the state agrees with me.

Sure I could. The state is not a moral authority, it's something to be taken over by the workers, used to destroy the reactionaries, and then wither away as useless after it has completed its historic propose.

Lenin wrote:From the bourgeois point of view, it is easy to declare that such a social order is "sheer utopia" and to sneer at the socialists for promising everyone the right to receive from society, without any control over the labor of the individual citizen, any quantity of truffles, cars, pianos, etc. Even to this day, most bourgeois “savants” confine themselves to sneering in this way, thereby betraying both their ignorance and their selfish defence of capitalism.

Ignorance--for it has never entered the head of any socialist to “promise” that the higher phase of the development of communism will arrive; as for the greatest socialists' forecast that it will arrive, it presupposes not the present ordinary run of people, who, like the seminary students in Pomyalovsky's stories,[2] are capable of damaging the stocks of public wealth "just for fun", and of demanding the impossible.

Until the “higher” phase of communism arrives, the socialists demand the strictest control by society and by the state over the measure of labor and the measure of consumption; but this control must start with the expropriation of the capitalists, with the establishment of workers' control over the capitalists, and must be exercised not by a state of bureaucrats, but by a state of armed workers.

Scheherazade wrote:Plenty of universal norms and cultural universals, such as notions of responsibility in relationships, and even cultures which practiced polyamory, simply using people as sex objects, or 'hook up culture' was rightfully viewed as irresponsible.

Many of those societies are contemporary societies. Further, the Egyptians did not use a, "hook up culture," as much as a, "Fuck your siblings," culture.

Scheherazade wrote:In reality all cultures have more in common than they do differently, as all come from the same source, and all cultures are slight deviations from the universal norm which, in a perfect society, would mean everyone would conform to one single correct culture.

This is a dodge by simply whining about what you feel like should be true, regardless of what is actually true.

Scheherazade wrote:Unlike you, I can and will attempt to explain, rather than hide behind a weak argument from ignorance.

You have yet to even try, and you are the one saying that your feelings are universal law.

Scheherazade wrote:No, that's an aberrant of natural law - simply "they did it" doesn't mean it wasn't aberrant, deviants have always existed, and murder is as old as Cain.

Our sexual system is decades old. The one I described goes back millennium. Yet you assume the vast majority of Western civilization is, "aberrant," because it doesn't fit with your uncited, unverified, feelings.

Scheherazade wrote:Normality isn't defined by the behavior of masses, but by universal principles - much like in mathematics, a line can be objectify straight (normal), or objectively crooked (abnormal), and this isn't up to individual opinion.

You have yet to explain these universal principles, just your precious snowflake feelings that everybody should defer to.

Scheherazade wrote:In truth anyway, West has historically been more degenerate on the whole than the East anyway. Many Westerners especially today are materialistic and anti-spiritual unlike people from the East.


Perhaps we should start at the beginning...
Frollein wrote::eh: You're not stalking her on facebook, do you?
No, I'm passed that phase. Besides she blocked me already.

Saeko wrote:
I am disappointed in you, Albert.
I'm sorry okay, how many time do I have to apologize. Although my mistress wold had been all the worth it, only if my soul was not aching with her and after. Beautiful girl.

@LV-GUCCI-PRADA-FLEX No not true! I learned my lesson, suffering of the soul ain't worth a damn of it.

Besides hypocrite argument is a falacy. Take it from a person who done it, it is terrible. Besides most of you probably cheated but just pretending that you had not.
Albert wrote:No, I'm passed that phase. Besides she blocked me already.

I'm sorry okay, how many time do I have to apologize. Although my mistress wold had been all the worth it, only if my soul was not aching with her and after. Beautiful girl.

@LV-GUCCI-PRADA-FLEX No not true! I learned my lesson, suffering of the soul ain't worth a damn of it.

Besides hypocrite argument is a falacy. Take it from a person who done it, it is terrible. Besides most of you probably cheated but just pretending that you had not.

Whatever.... whore.
Albert wrote:Image At some point we all have to move on!

A girl's heart is the tenderest thing in the universe. And you broke one. :hmm:

Frollein wrote:Don't be so hard with Albert, Saeko! He's repenting, he's making puppy eyes... what more do you want?

Complete and utter submission, Frollein. As always.
Saeko wrote: Complete and utter submission, Frollein. As always.

See, Albert, and this is why Russia should have surrendered to Germany while you could, instead of being subjugated by China during the next 20 years: we are much gentler masters than the slanted-eyed devils of the East. Have you already forgotten the Mongols?

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