Anti-alcoholism - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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By Demosthenes
All Alcohol and drugs are the debil! Anybody seen the Waterboy 500 times like me??? oh I guess most of you dont like American Football, so maybe not... :?: Well trust me Alcohol and drugs are the Debil!
Course it took me awhile to figure that out...
...and no I'm not religious or a prohibitionist, so I'd like to keep my head!
By grinner
I believe it was Ernest Hemmingway who said, "Twas a woman who drove me to drinking. I sure would like to thank her."

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By uglygoat
i love beer. that's all i can add to this discussion. :D that and so many fine folk tunes have been written about it... and this only encourages me further.

A barrel of malt, a bushel of hops, you stir it around with a stick,
the kind of lubrication to make your engine tick.
40 pints of wallop a day will keep away the quacks.
Its only eight pence hapenny and one and six in tax, 1 2 3 4 5

Now I'm a two-hundred year old alcoholic
And the nicotine's caught up on me
But worst of all in this morning's mail
Got a suit for paternity
But I'm not really unhappy
'Cause maybe I'll have me a son
And his morning's will be just as shiny
As the first day the world begun
By grinner
mmmmm beer.
I'm lucky enough to get to enjoy the freshest beer on the planet. Born today... served today.

I've never seen a problem with beer or wine. I've always wondered though how hard liquor could be legal while marijuana is illegal. Holds no logic whatsoever. Legalize it. Tax the heck out of it. Pay of that so-called deficit. Or better yet... DONT pay the deficit... forget about it, never mention it again and use the money for stuff that matters. Double the tax on hard liquor and have even more fundage to fix things with. We'd then have more laid back people, less drunks and a healthier economy.

By Countium
The_Communist_Threat wrote:TUC, you have it all wrong...alcohol is nothing compared to pot....but, that is just my personal opinion....

but i do like you sig... :D

What a terrible theory. Is this based on Scientific fact or just personal preference, I have considered myself at one time or another to be both a heavy drinker and a heavy smoker.

I can say without doubt that it is Alcohol that is far far worse, especially if you over do it.

don't get me wrong I love a drink but I'm also aware of how damaging it is both physically and mentally.

In my opinion I cant grasp why all drugs are not legal considering the nature of Alcohol and the fact that is available to buy at your local shop.
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By einstein
alcohol is great, i like getting out of my head once in a while :D

never tried a spliff though
By ZenWilsonian
I never tried a spliff either. BUt I tried a shoti... was okay, but tastes a bid weird and made me a bit dizzy within seconds... i think i must be sensitive to it.

As for alcohol, yes I drink socially some cider and vodka and alcopops. But I hate beer. Dunno why. Never been pissed though. Very moderational. I'm also worried that it could bring on a seizure. I feel like I'm about to have one sometimes when I drink but never do.
By Freedom
Nothing suits me more than a couple of bottles of whiskey...and i think i've got a problem...

Anyway, drugs are bad...alcoholism is cool...its the Irish way :D
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By Demosthenes
Alcohol is still the DEBIL! Although I guess most people gotta get it out of there system early so...just don't kill each other, or anybody else...
By ert
I used to drink quite heavily until it became very problematic. Then I drank some more to take my mind off all my problems and....

I had problems as do many people. There is a tendancy for people like me (former alcoholic) to get moral and overbearing on the subject. It stems from jealousy most of the time. If it's still fun for you, go for it. I don't touch the stuff anymore but I'll fight to the death to defend your right to get ****faced!!!
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I used to drink- a lot, but I gave it up completely about 12 years ago, I don't smoke, drink or do drugs, that's just my personal choice.

Even though I don't drink I always liked this qoute:

" Beer is proof that god wants us to be happy"
-Benjamin Franklin

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