For those who don't believe in the idea of equal rights at all - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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NightShadows wrote:So because there is a group of people claim to "own land" everyone else who follows is a parasite?

The landowner qua landowner is always a parasite.
what is a job even but claiming some divine right of land owner ship?

:lol: A job is a consensual exchange of labor for wages. Nothing to do with landowning.
the wealthy aren't any more sophisticated, intelligent and harder worker then anybody else, lol.

Depends how they GOT wealthy.
snapdragon wrote:they claim to own the land because they either bought it, or won it.

So, on the exact same basis people claimed to own slaves....?

Please explain how having bought or won land extinguishes everyone else's rights to liberty.
I own a bit of land because I bought it, so you can bugger off.

[Zag Edit: Rule 2]

The landowner qua landowner is always a pure parasite, a pure thief, pure evil.
snapdragon wrote:No. They can't.
That's all bollocks. Moreover your shitty first amendment doesn't apply to me.
I'm not ruled by a constitution more than 200 years out of date.

Citizen J wrote:Sure. Tell you what. Quit paying the crown and see how your land ownership rights hold up. Too bad you can't have a gun to enforce your "ownership". :lol:
Your opinion is completely blue pilled over this. And I hadn't even started on eminent domain issues. :lol:

As I said, the ultimate owners of any land is the government that "protects" it. All others occupy the land at the sufferance of said government. Anyone who acts otherwise will be evicted from said land and it will be given to someone subservient to the government. Unless you are "the state", then you are a tenant.
Whether or not you believe in equal rights doesn't matter, since most societies do, and thus it becomes reality. If a society deems something is worthwhile, they will create and protect it via laws.

eg. Canada deemed that universal access to healthcare is a right. Thus this stands as a right in Canada.

Your "belief" is irrelevant to its existence.
Those that don't believe in equal rights mustn't be spoken to, because not believing in equal rights is tantamount to ignoring other people. Nationalists and capitalists need to be shunned, because nationalism and capitalism "needs" shunning, therefore why should the nationalists and capitalists enjoy a double standard of promoting an ideology of shunning yet get spoken to?
@Igor Antunov

I never knew you had such a simplistic way of thinking. I bet you never even thought deeply about the other factors that lead to this and instead decided to build the entire world around only your experience and your reality and deciding that your reality is the reality of others. You need to understand that your personal experiences and biases are not how the world works.

The reason why many blacks and spanish people (probably the people you often are referring to) are not as "smart" as you would like them (I put smart in quotations because what can be considered to be "dumb" for you is actually just a black or spanish person disagreeing with you) is because of generations of circumstances made by both internal and external sources that made black or spanish people have the bad living conditions and by extension, IQ that you see today.

Race profiling, which was a significant factor in the creation of such an IQ, will only lead to worse IQs and more angery spanish and black people.
IQ is NOT knowledge testing. It IS possible to reduce the effect of cultural bias on it. That is pretty well established.

The thing is that IQ is a really bad indicator of political cause/effect. It is even a poor judge of environmental factors, individual genetics being so, well, individual.

My maternal grandfather was called "Dutch" his whole life. Imagine how surprised (and gratified) I was to find out he could not have been anything of the sort. He had to be mostly English/Scots/ Irish.
My maternal grandfather was called "Dutch" his whole life. Imagine how surprised (and gratified) I was to find out he could not have been anything of the sort. He had to be mostly English/Scots/ Irish.

That's a tragic tale of mistaken identity, Drlee, fortunately with a happy ending. :up:
Equal rights are impossible.

Without getting into negative vs.positive rights issues, it's arguably an unequal rights issue when someone gets a better lawyer. But if the same body that makes the accusations provides all the lawyers, it should be easy to see where that would go wrong. But why stop there; maybe the best lawyers, doctors etc. should be chained to their desks so that they can serve everyone?

This begs the question of what a right is to begin with, they are just ideas that people made up.
Hong Wu wrote:Equal rights are impossible.

Without getting into negative vs.positive rights issues, it's arguably an unequal rights issue when someone gets a better lawyer. But if the same body that makes the accusations provides all the lawyers, it should be easy to see where that would go wrong. But why stop there; maybe the best lawyers, doctors etc. should be chained to their desks so that they can serve everyone?

This begs the question of what a right is to begin with, they are just ideas that people made up.

Since you think rights are just made up and difficult to dealw ith, you should just give yours up.
Citizen J wrote: Too bad you can't have a gun to enforce your "ownership". :lol:

What, what ? Against the STATE ? That has nuclear bombs and all kinds of lesser military assets, like tanks and military aircraft ? I fail to see the relevance there. If they want to, they can renaturate you with your land in seconds. Good luck shooting someone with a regular gun who shoots you from a modern tank at 3 km distance.
The problem lies in calling things ‘racist’ that are cultural realities. Earth’s cultures have a racial component. Different cultures have different belief systems. Rejecting the belief system of another culture is not racist. Believing we should embrace ‘ghetto culture’ in the US for example is ludicrous. We should acknowledge another’s right to their culture, but this does not require acceptance. Acceptance requires rejection of your own culture.
Equal rights is fine in theory, but in practice asks one culture to give special treatment to other cultures. This is not equality. Equality of different cultures can only be achieved through a separation of the cultures. We currently argue it as ‘multiculturalism’ which is a nonsense term. The cultures will blend into a new culture or one will dominate. Equal rights is only possible for those of the same culture, otherwise one culture is always required to be less equal than the other. Equal rights in a multi cultural society is an unobtainable goal without a confederation basis. There must be separation of cultures.
One Degree wrote:The problem lies in calling things ‘racist’ that are cultural realities. Earth’s cultures have a racial component. Different cultures have different belief systems. Rejecting the belief system of another culture is not racist. Believing we should embrace ‘ghetto culture’ in the US for example is ludicrous. We should acknowledge another’s right to their culture, but this does not require acceptance. Acceptance requires rejection of your own culture.
Equal rights is fine in theory, but in practice asks one culture to give special treatment to other cultures. This is not equality. Equality of different cultures can only be achieved through a separation of the cultures. We currently argue it as ‘multiculturalism’ which is a nonsense term. The cultures will blend into a new culture or one will dominate. Equal rights is only possible for those of the same culture, otherwise one culture is always required to be less equal than the other. Equal rights in a multi cultural society is an unobtainable goal without a confederation basis. There must be separation of cultures.

How does having equal rights make it so that one culture is given special treatment?

Please provide an example from reality.
Pants-of-dog wrote:How does having equal rights make it so that one culture is given special treatment?

Please provide an example from reality.

If I am a racist (of any skin color), then ‘equal rights’ ignores my cultural beliefs for the cultural beliefs of those who believe all races are the same. This can be applied to any group you want equal rights for. You only see it as indisputable if you agree. Those who don’t agree, you label and pass laws to punish. What is equal about that? Equal always ends up meaning only those who agree with the premise are equal.
It is a self righteous method of ignoring reality tp pursue their agenda. True equality means the racist is equal to the non racist. Do you believe they should have equal rights? If so, you could not support hate speech laws or hate crimes.
The liberal sleight of hand is arguing equal rights means equal opportunity, but in reality they try to deprive adversaries of equal opportunity. Simply reading the news shows this to be true. No one wants equality. Everyone wants their tribe to dominate.
One Degree wrote:If I am a racist (of any skin color), then ‘equal rights’ ignores my cultural beliefs for the cultural beliefs of those who believe all races are the same. This can be applied to any group you want equal rights for. You only see it as indisputable if you agree. Those who don’t agree, you label and pass laws to punish. What is equal about that? Equal always ends up meaning only those who agree with the premise are equal.

So you think that your group should have special treatment to treat everyone else like crap, and that would be equality? That is stupid.

It is a self righteous method of ignoring reality tp pursue their agenda. True equality means the racist is equal to the non racist. Do you believe they should have equal rights? If so, you could not support hate speech laws or hate crimes.
The liberal sleight of hand is arguing equal rights means equal opportunity, but in reality they try to deprive adversaries of equal opportunity. Simply reading the news shows this to be true. No one wants equality. Everyone wants their tribe to dominate.

And you did not give an example from reality.

You are wrong.
Pants-of-dog wrote:So you think that your group should have special treatment to treat everyone else like crap, and that would be equality? That is stupid.

And you did not give an example from reality.

You are wrong.

No, I think my group should be dominant in my community and yours should be dominant in your community. That is true equality. I recognize our differences and my way is not superior to yours, but I have an equal right to live as I choose no matter how wrong you think it is. Compromising my culture with yours must end with one or both being eliminated. If you wish to abandon your culture for another culture, then fine but don’t demand I do the same.
Lots of examples from reality everyone is aware of. Can I refuse to take my kid to the doctor? Can I have multiple wives? Can I take my horse and buggy everywhere I want to go? Can I bury my loved ones where I want? Etc. you can pretend multicultural is a real thing but it isn’t. Common laws result in common culture.
You either allow local autonomy or you eliminate all except one hybrid culture.
One Degree wrote:No, I think my group should be dominant in my community and yours should be dominant in your community. That is true equality. I recognize our differences and my way is not superior to yours, but I have an equal right to live as I choose no matter how wrong you think it is. Compromising my culture with yours must end with one or both being eliminated. If you wish to abandon your culture for another culture, then fine but don’t demand I do the same.
Lots of examples from reality everyone is aware of. Can I refuse to take my kid to the doctor? Can I have multiple wives? Can I take my horse and buggy everywhere I want to go? Can I bury my loved ones where I want? Etc. you can pretend multicultural is a real thing but it isn’t. Common laws result in common culture.
You either allow local autonomy or you eliminate all except one hybrid culture.

I am not discussing your stupid beliefs.

You claimed that equal rights gives special treatment to one group above others. You failed to support that point. Instead, you whined about how youndo not get to be racist, even though you do get to be.

You also failed to supoort this claim with an actual example.

You can keep replying to me, but you still have failed to supoort your actual claim. The rest is just you talking to me about your beliefs, which I do not care about.
Pants-of-dog wrote:I am not discussing your stupid beliefs.

You claimed that equal rights gives special treatment to one group above others. You failed to support that point. Instead, you whined about how youndo not get to be racist, even though you do get to be.

You also failed to supoort this claim with an actual example.

You can keep replying to me, but you still have failed to supoort your actual claim. The rest is just you talking to me about your beliefs, which I do not care about.

I thought I answered your questions very well, but I am not surprised you could not tell. Your world view requires you to simply disregard any other world views as being insignificant to your equation. Your arguments are based upon everyone agreeing with your basic view. When presented with an alternative view, you ignore it.
The point is you may not like racists, homophobes, Amish, Mormons, Native Americans, etc., but there is no objective reason for not allowing them to live as they choose. Can you guarantee me 100% that the future will not prove they were right? Let go of your self righteousness and realize we should be tolerant of all views because we basically know nothing. To only be tolerant of those who agree with you is not tolerance.
I am totally content with only my area being in agreement with my beliefs. If the people in your area want to eat one another, then I don’t have a problem with that. Who am I to tell someone what they believe is wrong?
Most of what we believe is simply parroting what someone else decided. We did not even decide it for ourselves. It is just some guys opinion we liked. Views on equal rights are so new historically that it is silly to even assume the idea will last. Only our self righteousness makes us believe in their ‘eternal truth for everyone’.

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