Impacting Other People in A Positive Way - Politics | PoFo

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I think it's important to have a positive impact on other people. One way to do so is to "teach a man to fish." We are all in the habit of giving fishes to feed people but we would be far more impactful if we taught others how to fish. What are other ways we can be more impactful on others in a positive way?
Politics_Observer wrote:I think it's important to have a positive impact on other people. One way to do so is to "teach a man to fish." We are all in the habit of giving fishes to feed people but we would be far more impactful if we taught others how to fish. What are other ways we can be more impactful on others in a positive way?

I think we have an effect on others just by being around them and by how we interact with them. Right when I meet people, I start to create a friendly, openminded mood with them. With some, I am able to get them laughing with some silly comments or jokes. I communicate to them by my reactions, words and expressions that I am listening and I appreciate them. I start building a helpful relationship. I may not always know how, but I feel like good relationships can help others in some ways. It can inspire them to achieve more or they can learn from someone's example.

Those are some good examples. When you teach somebody to fish, you teach them to be more independent and to believe in themselves. Some people have limiting beliefs about themselves, that prevent them from trying to make a positive change. You can't make people change, but if you help them get rid of limiting beliefs, they can start becoming willing to change and eventually start to believe in themselves and become independent. This is a positive impact.

See teaching somebody to fish, rather than giving them fish, is also the quality of a leader. A leader does not teach others to believe in him or her (the leader) but instead, teaches others to believe in themselves. This leads to the way of independence.
Politics_Observer wrote:@MistyTiger

Those are some good examples. When you teach somebody to fish, you teach them to be more independent and to believe in themselves. Some people have limiting beliefs about themselves, that prevent them from trying to make a positive change. You can't make people change, but if you help them get rid of limiting beliefs, they can start becoming willing to change and eventually start to believe in themselves and become independent. This is a positive impact.

Like my mother, I am something of a storyteller. When you get me talking, it seems as though I am telling a story. Even when I was relating to Gere about my employment history in 2019, he was engrossed in my words and he was amused and entertained. He could see that I got that faraway look in my eyes and I was summarizing and narrating my experience. Halfway during the interview I could feel his inner laughter and he had a smile as he looked down at his notes. I got nostalgic thinking about some of my past job experiences.

One teacher once said that I was an exemplary student and I lead by example. I will never forget her. She was one of my favorite English teachers ever. Her belief in me spurred me on to continue with writing classes and to continue developing my writing skills. I have improved my communication skills so much that some might be shocked to know that I was once socially awkward and I was very shy. I hated talking in public. Now, all I do is talk in public and socialize with strangers. Once I entered the workplace, I had to get out of my shell and I had to interact with strangers. I had no time to be self-conscious and nervous.

Setting the example is part of leadership. A leader encourages people to act in a certain way by the example he or she sets. So, in such cases it's important to set the right and good example. You don't want to set a bad example because then others will follow that bad example and that can have a negative impact on the world and those who follow your example. So setting a good example is very important so that it has a positive impact on other people and a positive impact on the world.

Another thing to consider is that we all will fail. But failure is just a part of life. It's how you respond to failure that enables you to pick yourself back up and keep going. When you fail, see it in a positive light. See it as an opportunity to learn what you did well and what you need to improve upon and then keep doing what you do well, well while working to improve upon those areas you don't do so well. On the areas you don't do well on, seek out coaching from those people who do those areas very well and are qualified to coach you by having a demonstrated record of and example of doing those things very well that you need to improve upon. Those are the ones who are qualified to help coach you on your weak areas so you can improve upon them.
Who is this ‘we’ teaching a man to fish? It seems very patronising.
None of us know what other people are dealing with in their lives. Shit happens.
It needs dealing with
toxic positivity.

not everyone should be out there catching fish, otherwise the oceans will become barren.

teach them to become leaders in what regard; to perform their jobs more productively? to form cells and dismantle systems?
One who directs their positive intent is essentially saying, or potentially coercing (particularly if they note 'follower' mentality), the individual to do as they do. To believe as they believe. To prioritize their own path as the correct one.

In my estimation, the most positive thing you can do for someone is simply listen to their voice, without judgement, without the desire to reform the individual.
Politics_Observer wrote:I think it's important to have a positive impact on other people. One way to do so is to "teach a man to fish." We are all in the habit of giving fishes to feed people but we would be far more impactful if we taught others how to fish. What are other ways we can be more impactful on others in a positive way?

Those poor fish! What have they ever done to you?! You fiend!! >:
Politics_Observer wrote:@Potemkin @noemon

The most generous and impactful thing you can do for anybody if you know how to fish is to them how to fish. Leaders teach others to believe in themselves and how to be leaders.

What about the fish? Will nobody speak for the fish??!! :eek: :*(
Potemkin wrote:What about the fish? Will nobody speak for the fish??!! :eek: :*(

I was swimming along and this little worm was still alive in the water, it looked so appetizing, and I bit it and suddenly?!! Some human air-breathing monster took me out of my element! They wanted to eat me. I panicked and fought mightily and slipped from the dirty human's paws...and went back to the cool refreshing home I love....I swam as fast as I could and went to consume the green plants near the bottom far from the surface. How many were lied to and had that worm dangling only to fall for that monster's trap??!! Death to all those executioners! Let us all get together and force them to realize? We have fish rights too!

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