Should this Aussie couple been allowed to do surrogate pregnancy in the first place? Your Opinion? - Politics | PoFo

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This couple from Australia decided to go through the surrogate pregnancy route and wound up with a twin pregnancy surrogate mother from Thailand and one child had Down Syndrome (the boy child) and the girl child did not. They wanted the girl child and did not pursue the raising of the boy child.

The excuses the father gives are very inconsistent and not very intelligent.

What do you think of the situation? I am worried that the father is a convicted child sex offender.

I think they should not raise any kids. Give both kids back to the surrogate mother and have her find another couple that can adopt both children together and keep them together. To hell with this couple.

What do you think?

Pretty much, what pricks. You don’t get to renege on your commitment to the surrogacy after the fact. Thats just the gamble of any pregnancy and its not like selecting an object of consumption but a life long commitment to children no matter what. These people fucking suck. Yes disabilities and such are hard work but you balls up and take responsibility and make shit work.
B0ycey wrote:Indeed. Can't say it better.

I watched a news report on this last year. Mother, that is to say birth mother, is still looking after the boy. She has a conscious where the couple haven't any. Perhaps there is a reason why some people shouldn't have children.

There has been a few ugly high profile cases in Australia that make the whole idea of surrogacy seem like its got hairs on it. But thats partially the mediation of legal disputes in the lives of children perhaps, which is always adversarial and less than ideal.
Wellsy wrote:There has been a few ugly high profile cases in Australia that make the whole idea of surrogacy seem like its got hairs on it. But thats partially the mediation of legal disputes in the lives of children perhaps, which is always adversarial and less than ideal.

Indeed. I can't say I know all the issues behind surrogacy in Australia, but when I heard about this case, the idea that someone can leave their child with someone who is much poorer than them just because it has a disability is incomprehensible. You make a deal to have a child, you love it no matter what. So yeah, I do think the girl should be removed from the couple.
I find couples who are strange like this one is....the man is crying and playing the victim. But the reporter asked him what steps did he take to try to adopt the boy? He did not take any steps because he wasn't interested in that boy at all. He wanted a 'healthy' child. I understand how one wants a healthy child.

But? You have to understand that pregnancies are not guarantees of anything. It is very precarious at the beginnings of life. I was older and a high risk pregnancy and they also performed a Down Syndrome test on me early on. Before I knew the results I knew I would keep the baby no matter what. I had worked with Down Syndrome kids before and adults. They are beautiful wonderful people. And many do live independent lives. For that man to think of it as some horror that he would not cope with is insulting to all the parents who are parents to Down Syndrome kids.

The way I see it? He had no kids at all. He better not be thinking he wants a certain kind of kid and will only accept one kind of kid to raise. No biological parent has that luxury to choose a designer made to order kid. That is stupid.

You get what you get. Be grateful for being able to raise and influence any child. And the child molester that is a convicted one? He is very suspicious.

@Rancid and @Wellsy and @B0ycey the antithesis to that wishy washy dumb ass couple are these parents:

The father of baby Gammy is a convicted sex offender, which would make him ineligible for surrogacy in most countries. The couple basically smuggled a baby from Thailand. Farnell died recently after battling asbestos-related illness. He allegedly breathed in poisonous fibres as an electrician in the late 70s. It looks like his wife is from Asia and the couple's marital relationship looks unnatural, given Farnell's criminal background. His wife Wendy may be a mail-order bride who was engaging in marriage fraud. Otherwise, there was no good reason to marry a registered sex offender.

The father of baby Gammy, who made global headlines at the centre of an international surrogacy scandal, has reportedly died.

David Farnell, a convicted sex offender, was the biological father of baby Gammy who was controversially conceived by a surrogate mother in Thailand in 2013.

Pattaramon Chanbua from Chonburi province, southeast of Bangkok, agreed via an agent to be a surrogate for Mr Farnell and his wife Wendy, for a fee of $16,000.

She gave birth to twins – a boy and a girl. However the couple from Bunbury, south of Perth, separated the twins and returned home only with the girl.

The boy, dubbed baby Gammy, was born sickly and with Down syndrome.

According to The West Australian, Mr Farnell died recently. He was in his early 60s.

It was previously reported that Mr Farnell had been battling asbestos-related illness, and his death comes less than a year after he lodged a lawsuit against asbestos supplier Amaca Pty Ltd.

It is not known if his death is linked to his illness.

In a 2014 TV interview, the couple said they felt they had little choice but to leave Thailand with Gammy's healthy sister and leave the boy behind.

“We wanted to bring him with us,” Mr Farnell told the Nine Network’s 60 Minutes program.

They said they returned to Australia with Gammy’s sister Pipah as the surrogate mother had told them “if we try to take our little boy, she’s going to get the police and she’s going to come and take our little girl… and she’s going to keep both of the babies,” he said.

The couple were criticised for appearing to reject the boy, who also had a hole in his heart and had to be treated for a lung infection in a Thailand hospital.

The plight of the baby saw Australians raise more than $240,000 for the infant who stayed with his surrogate mother.

The story led to countless headlines and sparked heated debate over surrogacy laws, as well as prompting investigations into the commercial surrogacy industry in Thailand.

During this time it was revealed that Mr Farnell was previously convicted in 1997 of more than 20 counts of child sex offences stemming from the 1980s and early 1990s, as well as well as three counts of procuring a girl under the age of 13 to indecently deal with him.

He was jailed for three years and was convicted of further crimes, adding 18 months to his sentence. ... 27044.html
ThirdTerm wrote:His wife Wendy may be a mail-order bride who was engaging in marriage fraud. Otherwise, there was no good reason to marry a registered sex offender.

Only severely brainwashed people give the term "registered sex offender" any importance whatsoever.
In today's day and age it can mean pretty much normal behavior abnormally criminalized by abusive idiots who were not euthanized at the right time.

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