Second fetushood - Politics | PoFo

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By Robert Urbanek
Ten million aging baby boomers are expected to suffer from Alzheimer’s. Roe v. Wade gave boomers the right to terminate an unwanted fetus. We should draw on that Supreme Court decision to allow caregivers to terminate an unwanted “adult fetus.”

Dementia, already known as “second childhood,” should be legally redefined as “second fetushood,” given that end-stage Alzheimer’s patients often retreat into a fetal position caused by joint contractions.

Just as a pregnancy may threaten the health and welfare of the woman, an Alzheimer’s patient also poses a danger to the caregiver. In one study, long-term caregivers of dementia relatives were found to have significant levels of infectious illness, particularly respiratory tract infections, and were also more likely to be clinically depressed.

As caregivers wait for their “right to choose” to be given equal status with a pregnant woman’s “right to choose,” some might seek offshore sanctuary. One could envision, for example, charter flights to the Caribbean where a “second fetushood” could be terminated in a hospice specializing in “final memory care.”

We should not lose this opportunity to create the perfect Circle of Death. Baby boomers who aborted unwanted, expensive burdens will themselves be “aborted” when they become unwanted, expensive burdens. Divine, sublime symmetry.

(Satire. Or not.)
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By Ter
@Robert Urbanek
Interesting food for thought !
I have no idea if you are serious or not.
The evolution of dementia is a long and gradual process. To decide when grandpa is fit for the slaughter will not be an easy decision.
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By Drlee
We should not lose this opportunity to create the perfect Circle of Death. Baby boomers who aborted unwanted, expensive burdens will themselves be “aborted” when they become unwanted, expensive burdens. Divine, sublime symmetry.

Not funny. Ignorant. Childish. Typical of the childlike admiration some people have for what they mistakenly call "wit".

Alzheimers is a serious problem and making light of it is not helpful. In fact, there is no decent test for it. It is frequently misdiagnosed.

Perhaps we should stop spending so much on people who like to sodomize other people and more on research for this horrible disease.

(See how easy it is for satire to miss the mark?)
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By Puffer Fish
Drlee wrote:Not funny. Ignorant. Childish. Typical of the childlike admiration some people have for what they mistakenly call "wit".

I myself find Robert Urbanek's writings wryly amusing.

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